Corso di formazione tecnico-pratico che insegna a progettare, scrivere, eseguire debug e a realizzare programmi in Python, il linguaggio di programmazione più utilizzato per lo sviluppo web back-end, l’analisi dei dati, l’intelligenza artificiale e l’informatica scientifica.
Alla fine del corso, sarai in grado di:
- sviluppare una conoscenza pratica di come funzionano i computer e di come vengono eseguiti i programmi per computer
- sviluppare il pensiero critico e le abilità di risoluzione dei problemi usando un approccio algoritmico
- conoscere il ruolo del programmatore nel processo di sviluppo del software
- Tradurre problemi del mondo reale in problemi risolvibili al computer
Parte 1 (PE1)
- Introduction to Python and Computer Programming
- Python as a modern,universal and growing programming language
- Python versions and language development
- Brief review of tools and environments needed to start programming in Phyton
- Data Types, Variables, Basic Input-Output, Basic Operators
- How to write and run the very first Python program
- Pythin literals
- Python operators and expressions
- Variables – naming and using
- Basic input/output operations in Python
- Boolean Values, Conditional Execution, Loops, Lists and List Procession, Logic and Bitwise Operations
- Boolean data type
- Relational operators in Python
- Decision making in Python: if, if-else, if-elif-else
- Repeating code execution using loops: while and for
- Logic and bitwise operations in Python
- Lists in Python: constructing, indexing, slicing and content manipulation;
- How to sort a list using a bubble-sort algorithm
- Multidimensional lists and theri applications
- Funciont, Tuples, Dictionaries and Data Processing
- Code structuring and the concept of functions
- Functions invocation and returning a result from a function
- Name scopes and variable shadowing
- Tuples – purpose, constructing and using
- Dicionaries – purpose, constructing and using
Part 2 (PE2)
- Modules, Packages and PIP
- What is a module and why do we need it?
- Importing and using modules
- Review of some useful Python modules
- What is a package and how does it differ from a module?
- Costructing and using packages
- PIP – the Swiss army knife for package maintenance
- Exceptions, Strings, Strings and List Methods
- Characters, strings and codinf standards
- Strings vs- lists – similarities and differences
- List methods
- String methods
- Python’s way of handling runtime errors
- Controlling the flow of errors using try and except
- Hierarchy of exceptions
- Obiect Oriented Programming in Python
- Basic concepts of object approach – motivations and profts
- Classes, objects, properties and methods
- Inheritance and polymorphism
- Exception as an object
- Miscellaneous
- Generators, iterators and closures
- Working with filesystem, directory trees and files
- Selected Python Standard Library modules (os, date, datetime, calendar)
In definizione